Sunday, 20 June 2010


We got into small groups and was preparing what we were going to do for a practice documentary. We had to discuss all the cutaway shots we were going to do, the setting of where we would film it and what we would be talking about. We planned every detail of the documentary down including the title.

These are the questions that the interviewer will be asking
1. Tell me what life was like before you had the mobile phone?
2. When did you get your first mobile phone?
3. Tell me about all the mobile phones you have had
4. Tell me about your current mobile phone
5. Why did you choose this mobile phone?
6. Tell me about the ringtone you have on your phone and why you chose it
7. What do you use your mobile for?
8. How much does your mobile cost a month?
9. How often do you send text messages?
10. What text 'language' do you use and how did you learn it?
11. What is the best thing about having a mobile phone?
12. What is the worst thing about having a mobile phone?
13. How important is your mobile phone to you?
14. How would you cope without your mobile phone?

My group:
Camera work and Voice overs: Matty
Interviewer: Val
Interviewee: Nikki (me)

We planned our documentary out on paper by creating a storyboard. This is to help us to know what we are doing. We put detail into the storyboard like where the scenery would be (e.g the common room), what would be on each clip, a description of the type of shot (e.g midshot), what will be on eachclip (e.g someone talking on the phone). This is to show us what we are going to be doing for each clip so that we never made any mistakes and so we know what we will be doing without wasting time. This took us around 1 lesson.

This is the storyboard:

Once we had done this we went and got all the equipment that we needed including a video camera, a tripod and a voice recorder. We started off doing the interview with different people and in different places and then realised that according to our codes and convections the interview has to be in the same place and we decided to stay with one interviewee. We started again and chose a classroom where it was quiet and had a interactive board that we could put a image on to look more professional and so they knew what the interview was based on. On the first day we did a practice and we didnt think that it was good enough to be used as the real footage. This is because it was finished, the angle was wrong as i was in the wrong position and also the lighting was quite dark. The second day we found out what was wrong with the first footage and knew how to do better on this day. We set up the camera on to the tripod so we could see what the screening would be like. We looked at what angle the camera would be at so we could get the right position. I needed to take up half of the camera. The room was too light so we had to mess with the lights and the blinds to try and get the lighting correct. We put one of our cutaways on the interactive board as the scenery and as the chair wasnt high enough for the screen, i had to sit on the table to make it high enough. We were then ready to start filming. Matty was on the video camera and made sure it was recording in the right places, Val started reading out the questions that are written above and i answered them. We had to redo some questions because they went wrong as i didnt know what to say or my words came out wrong. Once we finished doing the interview Matty then using the voice recorder starting recording the voice over that would be needed for the cutaways. This was done on the first go because it was fine. We had finally finished the recording part. We then uploaded all the footage to the computer. The third day and so on we were going to edit the footage to make the documentary. We edited with the program Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5. (picture below)

We loaded up the video into Adobe Premiere and zoomed in so that we could see and hear the right bit that we needed to crop out without making any mistakes. We decided that we didnt need all the questions so we only used half of them. We then edited out the other questions. Whilst we were editing we went on to google and searched for mobile phones so that we could use them in cutaways throughout the documentary so that the audience wouldnt be bored and to show more detail of the documentary.

These are the cutaways we used:

We used these two pictures to create the last image to use as the background for the interviews using Adobe Photoshop.

This is the program that we used to merge the images together so that they could create the last image.

We then needed to download the music to go on for the title sequence. To do this i used the program Zamzar.
After all this was done matty recorded the voiceover that was put on after the title sequence.

This is the documentary when we had finished:

This is the link of the documentary on youtube:

Mobile evaluation
My task was to create a mobile phone documentary. This was a practice before our real documentary so we could see what needs improving so the real one can be better and to also see what documentaries are really like so we can make sure we follow the correct codes and conventions. To do this I was put into a group of three. We planned what the right Mise-en scene would be and what cutaways we would show. For our Mise-en scene we chose a quiet classroom with an interactive board which featured an image of mobile phones. The planning was useful because it made it easier for us to put everything together which I know that in my real documentary will be useful because it will make it easier to make decisions and get everything done without wasting time though whilst we were doing the filming and editing we did change some of the ideas of our planning.

For my part I was the person that was getting interviewed. I think that when I was answering the questions my strengths were that I answered the questions in the full answers so that they could be clearly understood and my weaknesses were that I had little confidence and my voice wasn’t the right volume that it should be at as I was quite quiet. I also started to fidget during the second question which made the angle look different aswell as starting most of them off with an “erm”. This means that I know when I come to do my real documentary that I make sure that the interviewee speaks at a right volume and that they feel comfortable so they can feel confident. When it came to the filming I think that the lights made a huge difference as the interviewee that was me, was pretty dark and you weren’t able to see me because there was a dark shadow covering the image. We know though that next time we will need to shut out all the background lighting and have lights on to make sure everything is seen properly. The images on the board behind the interviewee followed the codes and conventions because it had something to do with what our documentary to remind the audience and the framing of the interview was correct as it was a medium close up. The codes and conventions state that the interviewer should not be seen and their questions shouldn’t be involved which is what we did when we edited it.

We did use cutaways that shown we were trying to follow the codes and conventions but we realised that we used them in the wrong way as they were meant to be whilst the interviewee was talking instead of after they had finished talking so when they came on there was no sound making the audience less interested so next time we will make sure that we use the cutaways appropriately so we can make sure they do their job of interesting the audience by putting them on whilst the interviewee is talking.

During the editing we weren’t experienced on using the program because it was new so we didn’t know the different things that we could do such as the different effects and how to cut so it took time but as we are now more experienced I think that we will be able to do better on our real documentary.

We realised that some of the codes and conventions weren’t followed correctly but at least we know that for next time, for our real one that we make sure that we closely look into making sure we follow them and that everything is looking like the documentaries on TV.

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