Saturday 27 November 2010

Evaluation three

Question three: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We shown our documentary, print and radio advert to a class of around 13 people of the ages around 16-18. The results were quite accurate as these ages are around the age of our target audience. After they had seen our productions they were asked to give feedback on what they thought about each individual product. These are the results of what they thought about it which were noted down on the questionnaire they were given. I also asked others by video to get their opinion in more detail.

1. Do you think our programme suits our target audience of adults 18+?

More people said that they thought our documentary does suit our target audience which is aged 18 and over. There was only one maybe and nobody said they didn’t think it did meaning that our documentary has followed its plan and is attracting the right target audience that we planned on. It shows we have made the documentary with the right aspects. I have learnt that i should have done more research on my age group to find out more about their likes and dislikes.

2. Would this five minute extract encourage you to watch the full programme and why?

There were 12 people out of the 13 saying that they would carry on watching the documentary and just the one person that disagreed though they never stated why they thought this. I this 12 is good because it shows that more people in the class agreed that it was a good documentary. Also the people we observed were around the age of 16 to 18 meaning that maybe the person that didn’t want to carry on watching was because it wasn’t suited to their age group so they lost interest. There were reasons given such as

-Informative (2 people)
-Interesting (9 people)
-Attractive (1 person)

3. On a scale of one to five how appropriate is documentary for Channel Four and why?

Rate 1: 0

Rate 2: 0

Rate 3: 2

Rate 4: 6

Rate 5: 6

People rated our documentary more 4 and 5 on how appropriate the documentary was for channel 4. There was no one that rated it 1 and 2 and a few said 3. I think this is positive because it shows more people thought it was appropriate than not thinking it was making it right that we have followed the codes and conventions properly of documentaries that are shown on channel 4 professionally.

4. In your opinion do the camera shots and the music suit the style and genre of the programme?

Everyone that watched our documentary said that the camera shots and the music suit the style and genre of the programme. This is positive because it shows that the way we have shot it and got music was good and the audience gave a good reaction. I have learnt that the camera shots and music were good choices and that it went well with the topic.

5. On a scale one to five how would you rate our documentary in terms of the following?


Rate 1: 0

Rate 2: 1

Rate 3: 3

Rate 4: 7

Rate 5: 2


Rate 1: 0

Rate 2: 0

Rate 3: 3

Rate 4: 4

Rate 5: 6

We asked them to rate our documentary on whether they thought it was entertaining and informative. For entertaining the answers ranged which were not positive but not negative so were in the middle as the answers ranged from a rating of 2 and 5. More people rated 4 which is positive because it shows that at least more people enjoyed it than people not enjoying it. Negatively though the second popular answer was the rating of 3 meaning it was just in the middle and as this is around our target audience it shows that maybe they were getting the same entertainment as people of 18 and over would get. For informative the results were more different than entertaining. They were more positive as the two popular answers was a rating of 4 and 5 and none less than 3 meaning that more people thought it was informative. Overall people agreed that it was more informative than entertaining which is quite positive because that’s what documentaries are meant to do but also negative because if people don’t find it entertaining then are less likely to watch it meaning they won’t get the informative part out of it. I have learnt to get more research and think more about whether I would be entertained by it then focusing too much on the information. The presentation is more important to people of my target audience.

6. Do you think the camerawork and editing used made our extract look professional?

Everyone also said that the camerawork and editing used made our extract look professional. This is positive because it shows that the way we have shot it and edited the whole thing was made to make it look professional has been shown and it can look like the real documentaries on TV which was the aim.

7. How do you feel the documentary compares to other professionally made documentaries?

When we asked this question we got different results and opinions. The most popular answer was that they thought are documentary was similar to professional ones made. As we had to follow the codes and conventions of a documentary to try and make it look real this is a positive response. We got all positive responses and no negative ones which show that everyone agreed too.

Kathryn, 18

"I think that the documentary is full of interviews, extra bits to show what they are talking about and it also has alot of useful information which is what other documentaries do really."

8. What are the strengths and weaknesses of our documentary?

When we asked for the strengths and weaknesses of our documentary we got a whole different range of opinions. We got positive and negative results but mainly positive. This shows that there was more of a better outcome than a rubbish one. The negative feedback such as the Voxpops being rubbish were due to technical and weather faults and time. This means it wasn’t fully our fault meaning that they were only issues that we had no full control over but it has taught me to look into these issues and make better solutions.

9. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the radio trailer and print advert?

We then asked for the strengths and weaknesses of our print and radio advert. We got no negative feedback on this question which is positive because it shows that nobody had any bad things and liked them meaning we completed the aim.

10. Do you think the sound bites and voice over in our radio trailer advertised our documentary to its full potential?

For this question we received 12 “yes” and 1 “no”. This is good because it shown that sound bites and voiceover in the radio advertised our documentary to its full potential. I have learnt to put more detail into the sound and research other voiceovers properly so I can get the right words and voice.

Danielle, 23

"I do think that the soundbites and voiceover in your radio was advertising your documentary dead well cause it gave all the details of whats in the documentary and has actual footage. It shows what they should look to in the programme before they watch it."

11. Do you think the newspaper advert effectively advertises our programme and why?

They gave reasons such as
- Suits programme
- Clear image
- Eyecatching
- Relates to audience
- Image connotes what its about

For this question again we received 12 “yes” and 1 “no”. This is also good because it shown that the newspaper advert effectively advertises our programme. We also got reasons why which were all positive. These were good because we did have control over these issues and we got it right. Once again i think more research would have been needed to see the other newspaper adverts but I think that it was quite professional and looked most like the professional ones.

We have posted our documentary on Youtube:

I have learnt from these results that people enjoyed the music but had problems with the talking of the voiceover. I also learnt that people like the images as they are catchy which has been said on the questionnaire too. We got 2 likes and no dislikes meaning that noone really disliked it.

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