Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Target audience research

We created 30 questionnaires asking people about their TV choices, themselves, their opinion and their thought on greed.
The questionnaire:

We then gave these questionnaires out to 30 people, all of different age ranges. Here are our results.

1. Are you male or female?
Yes-111111111111111 =15
No-111111111111111 =15

2. How old are you?
15-20-11 =2
21-25-111 =3
26-30-1111 =4
31-35-111 =3
36-40-111111 =6
41+-111111111111 =12

3.What is your favourite colour?
Blue-111111111 =9
Red-111111 =6
Black-11 =2
Green-1111 =4
Pink-1 =1
Yellow-111 =3
Orange-11 =2
Purple-111 =3

4. What genre of music do you listen to?
Country-1 =1
Pop-111111111111 =12
Electronic-1 =1
Soul-1 =1
Indie-111 =3
RnB-111 =3
Rock-1111111 =7
Classical-1 =1
Folk-1 =1

5. What type of day do you watch the television most?
6:00-9:00 =0
9:30-12:00 =0
12:30-15:00-11 =2
15:30-17:00-11 =2
17:30-21:00-1111111111111111 =16
21:00+ -1111111111 =10

6. Which terrestrial channels do you watch the most?
BBC1-111111111 =9
BBC2-111 =3
ITV-1111111 =7
Channel 4-1111111111 =10
Channel five-1 =1

7. What do you watch TV the most?
Mondays-111 =3
Tuesdays-1 =1
Wednesdays-111 =3
Thursdays-11 =2
Friday-111111111 =9
Saturday-11111 =5
Sunday-1111111 =7

8. Is greed bad?
Yes-1111111111111111111111111 =25
No-11111 =5

9. Why do you think this?

Selfish-111111111 =9
Wanting unnecessary things-1 =1
Leads to power and wealth-1 =1
Redistribution of wealth and resources-1 =1
Nobody will like you-11 =2
So many people can do without-11 =2
Unfair-1 =1
Encourages exploitative behaviour-1 =1
Excess of anything is bad-1 =1
More you get the more you want-1 =1
Makes you uncontented-1 =1
Too much that people don't need-1 =1
People will do anything to get what they want-1 =1
Makes people mean-1 =1
Makes people resentful and bitter-1 =1

Working for it-11 =2
Can't get anywhere without it-11 =2
Helps you get things-1 =1

10. Does money make you happy?
Yes-11111111111111111111 =20
No-1111111111 =10

11. What three words come to mind when you think of greed?
Fat-1 =1
Banker-11 =2
Cheat-1 =1
Selfish-11111111111 =11
Nasty-1 =1
Walt Street-1 =1
Gluttony-111 =3
Hungry-1 =1
Self centered-1 =1
Jealousy-1 =1
You want everything-11 =2
Bills-1 =1
The government-11 =2
Food-1111 =4
Money-111 =3
Paris Hilton-1 =1
Misery-1 =1
Mean spirited-1 =1
Resentful-11 =2
Rupert Murdoch-1 =1
Rich people-1 =1
Excess-1 =1
Egotist-1 =1
Uncaring-1 =1
Focused-1 =1
Isolation-1 =1
Cars-1 =1
Fat cat in the city-1 =1
Corruption-1 =1
Control-1 =1
Power-11 =2
Poverty-1 =1


1. Are you male or female?

Conclusion: Looking at this pie chart it is shown that we asked an equal amount of females and males which is good because we are getting an equal view and the documentary will be aimed at both men and women.

2. How old are you?

Conclusion: Looking at this pie chart it shows that we asked more people of the ages 36-40 and 41+ so are documentary will be aimed more at this age range. Its good because we asked the different age groups so more opinions.

3. What is your favourite colour?

Conclusion: The two most favourite colours were blue and red which means our documentary should feature this somehow in the documentary. These colours were chosen by the ones that answered the questionnaire as it was a open question so these were very popular answers. Its good because we are seeing what colours people like.

4. What genre of music do you listen to?

Conclusion: The most popular genre of music is pop music which is good as this is what we was intending to use in the documentary. Though our different song choices are one or two of them. We are more likely to put pop music into it more as it was the favourite choice and put less of folk, classical, country, soul and electronic because they weren't favourites like the others.

5. What time of day do you watch the television the most?

Conclusion: The most favourite choice was half 7 to 9 so we are going to either put the documentary either on at this time or put it too the second favourite at 9pm and onwards. This is good because we can see when people are more likely to watch TV which means they are more likely to watch the documentary.

6. Which terrestrial channels do you watch the most?

Conclusion: The most favourite choice is Channel 4 which is good because that was the channel we wanted to use because many documentaries are put on this channel and it has got a good scheduling so that we can fit it in without interrupting other programs and making it a popular choice.

7. What day do you watch TV the most?

Conclusion: The most popular day people watch telly is on Friday which is what day we are going to be using to put on our documentary. It is also good because the scheduling will be good and will help it too fit in properly so it can be watched alot. The least favourite day was Tuesday so it wont be on definitely on that day because this means less people are likely to watch it.

8. Is greed bad?

Conclusion: Most people thought that greed was bad which is helpful because it is telling us peoples opinion so that we can put them into our research so that we can make a conclusion at the end. It also shows that people thought it wasn't bad so we need to find out reasons why they thought this so we can base our research on their opinions.

9. Why do you think this?


Conclusion: Most people said that the reason they thought greed was bad was because they thought it was being selfish so my group and i will have to base this into our documentary because it is quite a lot of the populations choice.


Conclusion: People said that the two main reasons that they don't think greed is bad is that people work for it and that you cant really get anywhere without it and Most people said that the reason they thought greed was bad was because they thought it was being selfish so my group and will have to base these opinions into our documentary because it is quite alot of the populations choice.

10. Does money make you happy?

Conclusion: Most people said that money does make them happy which makes the opinions on greed a bit different because it can make peoples decision up on their view of greed. It is good to know this because it is more research into our documentary.

11. What three words come to mind when you think of greed?

Conclusion: The main word that people thought of when they think of greed was the word "selfish" which could mean the people that thought this are on the decision that greed is bad. This is helpful because it shows what greed comes under and will helps us to separate the different greed's throughout the whole documentary.

Others opinions:

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