Monday, 4 October 2010

Formal proposal for documentary

Topic= Greed

Type of documentary= Mixed

Style of documentary= Formal and informative

Channel and scheduling=
Channel 4
19:30-20:00 (Normally have a documentary on Channel 4 this time)(Inheritance from the news)
They have been putting the x factor on recently around this time instead of documentaries so it will be the same time but it will be a pre-echo for the x factor.
Target audience= (according to results)
Aged 36+
Male and Female

Primary research needed:
o Teachers and doctors -Office -Books
o Richie -Children's bedroom -Toys
o Kate's grandparent -Living room -Ornaments/photographs
o Leanne -Teenage bedroom -Laptop and posters

Secondary research needed:
o Jon Humphreys
o Rupert Murdoch
o Paris Hilton
o Lottery Winner
o Extract from Wall Street film
o Article about greedy article
o News footage about lottery winner

Narrative structure= Open and circular

Outline of content
o Titles that relate to topic
o Interviews
o Cutaways of money/bills ect
o Voiceover tells the narrative and links interviews together
o Voxpops in Liscard and Liverpool

Resource requirements
o Video camera
o Digital camera
o Tripod
o Computer
o Adobe Premiere and audition
o Internet access

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